The special time portal for corps opens every three hours. That means each corps has a chance to kill an ancient monster in a special time travel every three hours.
Anyone can create a new corps with one of his brigades or fleets for $100 USD in $EPK to join the next special time travel. Each corps will be disbanded automatically after a special time travel. Each commander can create more than one corps.
Each brigade or fleet can freely join a corps for $60 USD in $EPK. Different brigades or fleets owned by a same commander can join different corps. A good strategy is to join a special time travel with your best brigade or fleet.
The Monster
The HP of the monster is related to the number of participating brigades and fleets, as shown below.
N is the number of participating brigades and fleets.
Each brigade or fleet can launch a new attack on the monster every 1 minute. The damage is a random number between [0, (SP or MP)].
Last updated